Biogenic Methane

It is emitted by livestock, waste treatment and wetlands. Biogenic methane is a short-lived gas and

Wi-Fi CALLING (VoWiFi)-2

Wi-Fi Calling can be configured on compatible smartphones by upgrading operating systems to the vers

Wi-Fi CALLING (VoWiFi)-1

It makes use of high speed Internet connection, available via broadband, to make and receive high de

Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation (SATYAM)

A new programme called SATYAM-“Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation” ha

Convalescent plasma therapy

It seeks to make use of the antibodies developed in the recovered patient against the coronavirus.

Schedule H1

Aims to check to check the indiscriminate use of antibiotics, anti-TB and some other drugs. Cannot

National gene fund

As per the Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Rights Act, 2001 Section 45, “National

Blood plasma

Blood plasma is a yellowish liquid component of blood that holds the blood cells in whole blood in s

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) is one of the centers for technology-based inno

Year of Awareness on Science and Health (YASH)-2sc

The programme is aimed at minimizing risks at all levels with the help of public communication and o