Government of India Act 1858-2

category Nmae

Ended the dual government system  (removed Board of Control and court of directors). Secre

Government of India Act 1858-1

category Nmae

Also called as 'Act for the Good Governance of India'. Abolished East India company

Charter Act – 1853

category Nmae

Last in charter series Separation of legislative and executive functions of Governor-Generals Counc

Pitt's India Act of 1784

category Nmae

Political and commercial functions of company were distinguished Board of Control - political funct

Daporijo Bridge

category Nmae

Inaugurated on Subansiri River, a tributary of Brahmaputra. Development- by BRO(Border Roads Organi

Regulating Act 1773-1

category Nmae

First step by British government to regulate and control affairs of East India Company. It recognis

New Names for Trppical Cyclones

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169 names released by IMD(Indian Meteorological Department) for Indian Ocean Region. Contributed by

Tropic of Cancer Passes through eight states

category Nmae

Trick:-WestMeGujaratRajasthan,MujheJharkhandChahiyeTha. W-WestBengal M-MadhyaPradesh G-Gujarat R

Important fold mountains:

category Nmae

U AReAHimalaya U:-UralMountain. A:-AlpsMountain. R:-RockyMountain. A:-AndesMountain. H:-Himalay


category Nmae

It is a biosensor that can detect the novel coronavirus in saliva samples. Developed by National In