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About Right to be Forgotten (RTF) It refers to the ability of individuals to limit, de-link, delete
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The At present, the right to be forgotten is not well-established in India. The draft Personal Data
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YUKTI (Young India Combating Covid with Knowledge, Technology and Innovation) is a unique portal and
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The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has started the UMMID(Unique Methods of Management and treatme
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The committee is required to enhance workforce participation, foster employment growth and identific
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This is supposed to provide direction to all policies, programmes, schemes and initiatives for skill
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This Committee will identify key projects required to be implemented on a time-bound basis. This ap
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The government was set to spend `12,000 crore on the 2021 Census as well as for the preparation of t
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As all previous censuses in India have been paper-based. A mobile app will be used in Census 2021.
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These Boards may consider for transfer before the tenure fixed under these Rules and recommend the c